Mungkin ini yang ditunggu-tunggu para chater mania diseluruh dunia, saya persembahkan salah satu karya saya yaitu romeobot release 0.2
kelebihan dari robot ini cukup lancar di room dengan catatan balasan tidak lebih dari 10 posting message dari room untuk user secara bebas
cukup stabil dibanding dengan rombebot versi yang lama
romeobot user guide and installation
step 1
donwload dotnetframework 2.0
step 2
download dotnet framework 2.0 sp 1
step 3
download dotnet framework 2.0 sp 2
minimum intallation above is step 1
after install dotnet frameowrk successed then
install rebecca
download rebecca
choose RebeccaAIML.exe (setup installer)
after install rebeccaAIML successed then
get utilities file
extract to "C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML" and replace
click start menu -> rebeccaAIML-> Server -> Install Service
click start menu -> rebeccaAIML-> Server -> Start
click start menu -> rebeccaAIML->
wait until generate finish
download romeobot
extract the romeobot file and running romeobot.exe
follow the form login then click login
when running first time, system will appear invalid certificate
you must click trust button, than follow the instructions until the certificate installed on the system
wait until appear connection success
exit romeobot.exe
click romeobot for the second
follow the form login then login, wait until appear connection success
now wait for your friend chat private with your robot
congratulation now your nick has become a robot :D
for change your configuration, you can enter to "C:\Program Files\RebeccaAIML\conf"
find properties file, than insert your robot profile as you like
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